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Boyd's Room

< Final film

I wanted to try making a short film as I have never tried before. I ended up splitting it into two sections: ‘Boyds room’ and ‘Bathroom’. I chose The location for boyds room as I like the warm earthy tones of the bedsheets, the Victorian windows, the naked lightbulb and the plain walls. I wanted it to be unsettling to watch so I used a 250 hertz sound effect and sped up and slowed down the film at various intervals. This gave a disrupted passing of time and a lack of reality. I also did this by making the film black and white.


I originally wanted this film in several parts and put it together but after doing these two scenes I went back to portrait photography and left these as separate films. This means that the shoot ‘motion picture’ and ‘Ageing is a solitary experience’ were originally planned to be videoed but instead I photographed them.


Throughout these shoots I use polyethylene sheets to create a physical barrier between me and the camera to represent the distance I feel between myself and reality.


mood board

Film plan


location photos

boyds room 3.jpg
boyds room 2.jpg
boyds room 1.jpg
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