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initial project proposal



Candidate Name: Emilia Ashby 


UAL Candidate Number 


FAD Group: B 

Project Title: Coping with alienation. 

Section 1: Review (approx 150 words) 


Over the duration of the course, I have begun to explore deeper concepts within my work as previously my work was purely spontaneous. A project that stood at for me was the body identity project. I took self-portraits which showed me in a more vulnerable light, something I would not usually be up for. I have continued creating work with this vulnerability in mind since I finished the project. I also was particularly enthusiastic about my collages I made in unit 1 which I based off Alien conspiracy theories, creating collages from vintage photographs. For this project I want to make myself into different alien creatures through the use of prosthetic makeup (something I have never used before) to show the alienation I feel from those around me and its rapid increase throughout the pandemic. I want the changes to be subtle that identify me as non-human. 

Section 2: Project Concept (approx 250 words) 


I want to explore the alienation I experience especially through lockdown as someone with undiagnosed mental health issues. For this project I want to research alien conspiracy theories and people's fascination with life outside of our planet. I will read Alien Phenomenology or what it's like to be a thing by Ian Bogost as well as fiction such as The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham, as well as watch films. I want to understand the identifying features of what makes an alien and how they are identified as different. I want this project to be an ongoing creation of multiple collections of work as part of a series. The final product could be an exhibition going through this series and/or a short film to be projected. 

 One influence of this series is Nan Goldin due to the personal nature of her work. Her images are of her life and the lives of her friends as she views it and allows the viewer to see her perspective of the world and keeps herself at the center of attention. There is no divide between the work and the artist. 

Another influence is David Uzochukwu whose work exists to create a world where he can discuss issues such gender, race and personal identity. He does this through surreal imagery: giving people fins, using smoke and fire and creating crystal environments. 

Section 3: Evaluation (approx 100 words) 


I can continually evaluate my work by referring back to my project concept and deciding if I have kept to my original idea or if that idea might need to change. It could also help to have an idea of a timescale of when I want to have completed work by so I can make a plan of what I want to do when. 

I can use the Self-Assessment Feedback and Evaluation Unit 4 – at the end of the FMP. I can keep track of my work via Sketchbooks: annotation; notes; analysis and research as well as my digital Journal on Wix - A day by day annotation through notes, self-critical dialogue, images and videos of the FMP process. I can use my FMP Contextual Practice Research Essay, containing examples of self-reflective critical analysis and research ideas, to collect my ideas and reflect on my current work and ideas. I can have feedback during the Weekly Peer Crit/Feedback – weekly with a group of 4-5 students from the FAD course throughout the FMP and the Interim Crit – halfway through FMP to generate assessment of strengths and weaknesses of FMP and then the Final Group Crit - at the end of the FMP, self-initiated. Lastly, the 100-word Artist’s Statement - at the end of the FMP and presented in the Online Wix exhibition with FMP work. 


Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)  


Author: Ian Bogost  

Year published: 2012 

Book Title: Alien Phenomenology, or, what it’s like to be a thing. 

Publisher: University of Minnesota Press 


Author: John Wyndham 

Year published: 2008 

Book Title: The Midwich Cuckoos 

City: London 

Publisher: Penguin 


Author: Shweta Singh 

Year published: 

Year published:2020 

Article Title: Impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on mental health of children and adolescents: A narrative review with recommendations 

Website title: NCBI 



Article Title: Mental health issues increased significantly in young adults over last decade: Shift may be due in part to rise of digital media, study suggests 

Website Title: ScienceDaily 







Candidate Name: Emilia Ashby 


UAL Candidate Number 


FAD Group: B 

Project Title: Growing Up

Section 1: Review (approx 150 words) 


Over the duration of the course, I have begun to explore deeper concepts within my work as previously my work was purely spontaneous. I was particularly enthusiastic about my collages I made in unit 1 which I based off Alien conspiracy theories, creating collages from vintage photographs. Another project that really stood out for me was the body identity project. I took self-portraits which showed me in a more vulnerable light, something I would not usually be up for. I have continued creating work with this vulnerability in mind since I finished the body identify project. For my FMP I want to continue to explore how my body image has been affected by ​getting older (growing up).

Section 2: Project Concept (approx 250 words) 


For this project I want to explore the physical and emotional effects of growing up and how they affect me into adult life. This will take the form of photography and film which is largely self-portrait based. I want these self portraits to be very personal so ideally I will do most of my shoots unassisted. This project will confront my own desire to live up to an unrealistic body expectation and question why as a society we value women’s bodies most when they are short, thin, hairless etc… which idealises and sexualises the body of a child which is an impossible expectation for women to live up to as well as a disgusting insight into western culture.


One influence of this series is Nan Goldin due to the personal nature of her work. Her images are of her life and the lives of her friends as she views it and allows the viewer to see her perspective of the world and keeps herself at the center of attention. There is no divide between the work and the artist. Another influence is David Uzochukwu whose work exists to create a world where he can discuss issues such gender, race and personal identity. He does this through surreal imagery: giving people fins, using smoke and fire and creating crystal environments. 

Section 3: Evaluation (approx 100 words) 


I can continually evaluate my work by referring back to my project concept and deciding if I have kept to my original idea or if that idea might need to change. It could also help to have an idea of a timescale of when I want to have completed the work so I can make a plan of what I want to do when. I can use the Self-Assessment Feedback and Evaluation Unit 4 – at the end of the FMP. I can keep track of my work via Sketchbooks: annotation; notes; analysis and research as well as my digital Journal on Wix - A day by day annotation through notes, self-critical dialogue, images and videos of the FMP process. I can use my FMP Contextual Practice Research Essay, containing examples of self-reflective critical analysis and research ideas, to collect my ideas and reflect on my current work and ideas. I can have feedback during the Weekly Peer Crit/Feedback – weekly with a group of 4-5 students from the FAD course throughout the FMP and the Interim Crit – halfway through FMP to generate assessment of strengths and weaknesses of FMP and then the Final Group Crit - at the end of the FMP, self-initiated. Lastly, the 100-word Artist’s Statement - at the end of the FMP and presented in the Online Wix exhibition with FMP work. 


Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)  


Author: Ian Bogost  

Year published: 2012 

Book Title: Alien Phenomenology, or, what it’s like to be a thing. 

Publisher: University of Minnesota Press 


Author: John Wyndham 

Year published: 2008 

Book Title: The Midwich Cuckoos 

City: London 

Publisher: Penguin 


Author: Shweta Singh 

Year published: 

Year published:2020 

Article Title: Impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on mental health of children and adolescents: A narrative review with recommendations 

Website title: NCBI 



Article Title: Mental health issues increased significantly in young adults over last decade: Shift may be due in part to rise of digital media, study suggests 

Website Title: ScienceDaily 


updated project proposal

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